



SF4最重要的应用就是从羧酸合成三氟甲基化合物。脂肪族羧酸为底物反应收率不高,生成的副产物是醚Dmowski,W; Kolinski, R, A. Pol. J. Chem. 1974, 48, 1697

芳香族羧酸底物的产率还可以,不过反应需要加入2030当量的HF,反应操作不方便。【Zh. Org. Khim. 1974, 10, 886



Twenty-six grams (0.20 mole) of heptanoic acid is placed in a 145-mL pressure vessel linedwith Hastelloy-C.  The air in thevessel is displaced with nitrogen, and the head ofthe vessel is secured in place.  Thevessel is cooled in a bath of acetone and solid carbon dioxide, and the nitrogenin the vessel is evacuated with a vacuum pump to apressure of 0.5–1.0 mm.  Sixty-five grams (95% pure, 0.57 mole) of sulfur tetrafluoride is transferred to the cold vessel.  This is conveniently done by connecting a cylinder containing 65 g of sulfur tetrafluoride to the pressure vessel by a lengthof copper tubing having a 1/16-in. bore and 1/8-in.outside diameter.

The pressure vessel is heated with agitation at 100° for 4 hoursand at 130° for 6 hours. The vessel is allowed to cool to room temperature andthe volatile by-products [ Caution!Toxic!] are vented.  The crude, fuming, liquid product is pouredinto a stirred suspension of 10 g. of finely divided sodium fluoride in 60 mL of pentane, the mixture is filtered, and the filtrate isfractionated through a 6-in. Vigreux column. 1,1,1-Trifluoroheptane is collected at 100–101°/760 mm., nD251.3449. The yield is 21.7–24.6 g. (70–80%).

Hasek, W, R. OrganicSynthese. Coll. Vol. 5, 1082.


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